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darrenanna's blog

Passing through France


Picked up the van

Here is the van, loaded up with the bikes we've borrowed. We are off on the ferry to France this afternoon.

Leaving England

The South West

In the south

We've had a great day today,Anna's auntie & uncle took us to Dover where we walked around a huge castle and had a stroll along the beach. On the way we stopped by Womenswold and easily found Anna's Dad's old house and school. It was really great to see it. Yesterday we also went to a bizarre little musum which was in someones back shed, was all about Morgan cars. Well that is it for now!

London roundup

Well our second day in London was a little less full - but we still had a great day and walked miles.
We headed to the British Museum and spent most of the day there. We got caught in the rain getting there but only got a little damp & soon dried out.
The exhibits were amazing & we caught the Egyptian guided tour so that was great as well.
By time we left the sun was out and we walked home past Hyde Park & wandered through Speakers Corner during a "God vs Jesus vs Muhammad" debate - very noisy & interesting!
The next day was our last in London & Anna already wrote this out, so I'll just let her tell you what happened.

The longest day


Arrived in London

Well that trip doesn't get any easier! Thirty hours an we have arrived at our B&B only 3 mins from Big Ben - it really is in the heart.

About to leave

Well we are doing the final packing and hoping we haven't forgotten anything! This is just a test to check that I can blog from my phone. It's a lovely sunny day here in Hamilton so hopefully it is just as nice in England (& our house sitter will be hoping it stays nice in Hamilton no doubt!).


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